ビルクリーニング分野特定技能1号評価試験 タイ試験 合格者 Building cleaning Management skills evaluation test in Thailand examination pass announcement
2023/05/26 10:00 更新
We would like to inform you of the results of the Thailand exam conducted in May,2023.
受験者数 44名 / 合格者数 38名 / 合格率 86.4%
Number of examinees 44 / Number of successful applicants 38 / Pass rate 86.4%
* We will not be able to respond to inquiries regarding scoring results, exam questions, correct answers and points.
Those who have the exam number listed are those who have passed the exam.
* You can search the page by pressing “Ctrl + F”.
TH202201001 TH202201026 TH202201064
TH202201002 TH202201029 TH202201068
TH202201006 TH202201031 TH202201069
TH202201007 TH202201036 TH202201070
TH202201008 TH202201038 TH202201071
TH202201010 TH202201045 TH202201073
TH202201011 TH202201049 TH202201074
TH202201012 TH202201051 TH202201075
TH202201014 TH202201052
TH202201018 TH202201053
TH202201019 TH202201054
TH202201021 TH202201055
TH202201022 TH202201056
TH202201024 TH202201057
TH202201025 TH202201060